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4 Benefits Of Tankless Water Heaters-www.CoolBlew.comTankless water heaters are becoming more popular and are starting to be more common in households these days. They have proven to be more efficient, last longer and help reduce monthly electric bills.

Remember, every home’s set-up and every family’s needs are different, but if you are considering going tankless with your water heating system, check out these 4 benefits of tankless water heaters.

Benefits Of Tankless Water Heaters

1) Low Operation Cost In The Long-run

A lot of people shy away from the idea of tankless water heaters because of the cost of installation, (which varies on the type you purchase as well as the setup you currently have and what it’ll take to convert it), but the operational costs can be much lower compared to conventional water heaters. One home using below 40 gallons a day can save up to 34% in energy while families using beyond 40 gallons can manage energy savings of up to 14%.

2) Last Longer

Compared to conventional models, tankless water heaters have a longer life span. While the normal tank should last for 10-15 years, a tankless water heating system can go up to 20 years before replacement. This is because there are no minerals and impurities gathering inside the tank which leads to wear and tear. Tankless water heaters are ideal if you choose to live in your home for many years to come.

3) No Stand-by Heat Loss

Since there is no tank involved, the problem of stand-by heat loss is completely eliminated. Regular tanks lose a lot of energy when water in the tank is hot but will not be used right away, then has to be heated again. With tankless water heaters, you get a constant supply of hot water, conveniently, when required.

4) Save On Space

A tankless water heater uses much less space than a regular tank. Once you have that large metal tank out of the picture, you could use the extra space as a storing area with shelves, a pantry or anything you wish.

Plumbing Services In Peoria – 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

There is lot to consider when it comes down to deciding if a tankless water heater is the right choice for you and your family. Let the experts at Cool Blew Inc. help you decide which type of water heater is best for your needs! We offer a wide variety of residential and commercial plumbing services in Peoria, including tankless water heater repair and installation, solar and conventional water heaters, video camera drain inspection, garbage disposal service and much more, all with 100% satisfaction guaranteed!

Call Us Now At (623) 872-2900 For Your Free Plumbing Estimate!

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