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In the Valley of the Sun, utility bills skyrocket during the summer. Not only do homeowners spend more on electricity for air conditioning, water consumption also increases to keep pools filled and landscaping green. To help you keep Phoenix utility costs down, here are a few best practices worth considering.

1. Focus on the Minor Fixes

Even seemingly minor adjustments can have a big impact over time when it comes to your energy usage. To maintain a cooler home during summer daytime hours without blasting your air conditioner, close drapes and blinds to keep out the heat. Make sure your fireplace damper is also closed to prevent cool air from going up the chimney. Turn on your ceiling fans and reduce your use of heat-generating appliances like dryers, stovetops and ovens.

2. Raise the Thermostat

You may be surprised to learn how much you can save by simply setting your thermostat a few degrees higher. It’s significant! By turning your thermostat to 78 to 80 degrees, you’ll see real savings without sweltering.

3. Reset Your Water Heater Thermostat

By turning your water heater thermostat to 120 degrees or less during the summer months, you can save approximately $10 a month or more. And if you’re familiar with Phoenix summers, you know that that there’s little need for hot water when it’s 110 degrees outside.

4. Change Your Air Conditioner Filters

Efficiently running air conditioners simply use less electricity. By replacing the filter to your HVAC system every month – or even more if there are monsoon dust storms – you can gain the advantage of better air flow and lower utility bills.

5. Replace Standard Light Bulbs

Changing out standard bulbs with LEDs can save energy and money. Start with your highest-use bulbs and fixtures and make it a point to make the switch completely to gain the biggest savings.
Finally, don’t delay in fixing electrical, HVAC, or plumbing issues around your home. Properly running systems use less water and electricity and make your home more enjoyable all year long.

Call Cool Blew today for all your plumbing, electrical and A/C needs.

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