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Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. While love is in the air, why not show a little love for your air conditioning and heating system? The wonderful thing about caring for your HVAC system, is that it will reciprocate in the form of fewer repairs and lower utility bills. No, you don’t need to buy a box of chocolates or a dozen, long-stem red roses. But you do need to make these gallant gestures:

Change Your Air Filter

Swapping out that dirty old air filter is one way to say “I love you” to your HVAC system. Why? A clean air filter prevents your system from having to work harder than necessary to cool and heat your home. By doing this two-minute task, you will reduce your energy bills, prevent the overheating of system components, prevent frozen evaporator coils, and minimize uneven cooling and heating throughout your home.

Open the Vents

Closing vents doesn’t save energy, it actually makes your system work harder by causing a pressure imbalance. So, open the vents and let the love and air flow freely through the ductwork.

Call an Expert for Maintenance

Doesn’t your HVAC system deserve the best when it comes to regular maintenance? Don’t scrimp on or altogether skip seasonal tune ups. By scheduling regular HVAC maintenance with a qualified service technician, you can keep a healthy long-term relationship with your system. Remember – you should have your HVAC system maintained at least once or twice a year.

Want to buy your HVAC system something extra special this Valentine’s Day? Consider a maintenance plan that delivers the benefits of:

  • Priority service
  • No overtime charges
  • Discounts on repairs
  • And much more

Happy Valentine’s Day

At Cool Blew, we love our customers and their HVAC systems 24/7/365, including Valentine’s Day. Call today to schedule service at 623-872-2900.

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