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Although Christmas 2020 may be a little smaller and quieter than past years, many of us are still decorating the house and putting up Christmas trees. While decking the halls is still happening, it’s important to remember some tips when it comes to your HVAC system.

Pick a Safe Location for Your Tree

First and foremost, you don’t want to put your tree, or any other holiday decorations, near a vent or heating source. Avoid fire hazards by placing trees and decorations away from heaters, candles, vents, electric blankets and other items that can spark a blaze.

Real or Artificial Tree?

If you go with a real tree, make sure you choose one that is hydrated. Do the “needle test” by bending the needles on a branch. If they break, leave it. You want to be able to run your hands along a branch without the needles falling off. With an artificial tree, make sure to dust it off before putting it up. Artificial trees can be breeding grounds for mold which can decrease your home’s indoor air quality.

Replace Your Air Filter

Whether you choose a real or artificial tree, it’s likely to circulate an increased number of particulates that can promote allergies and breathing issues. To help keep the air clean, change your HVAC system’s air filter and check it a couple of times throughout the holiday season to make sure it doesn’t need replacing.

Watch the Temperature

Turning up the heat indoors can dry out a real Christmas tree, indoor wreath or live indoor plants. Instead of keeping things toasty by adjusting the thermostat, consider lighting a fire in the fireplace or baking some holiday cookies.

Schedule a Maintenance Tune Up

Don’t get a surprise gift of a broken HVAC system this Christmas. Schedule a tune up and get the peace of mind of knowing that your home will be warm and comfortable throughout Christmas, New Year’s and beyond.

Call the experts at Cool Blew today to schedule your winter maintenance tune up.

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