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Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Common Household Products That Can Pollute Indoor Air

By May 7, 2021November 9th, 2022No Comments

Who would guess that indoor air pollution levels in our homes can be two to five times higher than outdoor levels? In some some cases, indoor air quality can be much worse. Environmental Protection Agency studies have shown levels of indoor air pollution can be more than 100 times higher than outdoor air!

With many of us spending over 90 percent of our time indoors during the hot Arizona summer months, indoor air quality is a very real concern. And one of the biggest culprits of indoor air pollution is cleaning products. Household cleaning products, even those with labels that state “green” or “natural” may contain ingredients that can cause headaches, eye or throat irritation, aggravate asthma or COPD, and even promote cancer with long term use.

By U.S. law, manufacturers are not required to list all ingredients in consumer products. Doing a bit of research from reliable sources can reduce the chances of your indoor air being polluted. Look for products listed on the EPA Pollution Prevention website that contain ingredients safe for human and pet health.

“Safer Choice” labeled cleaning products have been EPA-reviewed for all chemical ingredients meeting pH standards to minimize potential for eye and skin irritation or injury. Alternatively, selecting household cleaning products derived from plant-based ingredients can also clean effectively and be safe around your house with family, children, and pets. Even warm water and soap can clean your home. Baking soda can be used for scrubbing. White vinegar and water can clean glass.

Ammonia and bleach are common over-the-counter cleaning chemicals, but they release harmful gasses which can lead to chronic breathing problems or even death if mixed. Carefully checking the product label will help you determine the safest cleaning products for your home.

Air fresheners are another source of indoor air pollution, especially those from aerosol sprays and plug-in solids. Many people think these are essential home cleaning products, but they often contain pesticides like Dichlorobenzene and Phthalates used in the production of PVC plastics.

The best way to maintain an odor-free home is to open windows to circulate fresh air. Opening a box or two of baking soda or using a diffuser to release essential oils can also help. Plants are an effective toxin-remover too. Placing air-purifying plants throughout your home will naturally clean your indoor air safely. They also will help remove pollutants, such as formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, carbon monoxide and benzene. Just make sure the indoor plants are safe and non-toxic to pets and children.

At Cool Blew, we believe everyone should be breathing clean indoor air. We’re here to answer all your questions. Call us today to learn more at 623-872-2900.