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During the winter months, Arizonans enjoy the best weather in the country. However, it’s a given that triple-digit temperatures are just around the corner. And, when they arrive, you don’t want to be “hot under the collar” dealing with an air conditioner that doesn’t work.

Each year, across the valley, calls flood into HVAC repair companies around late April to early May. Why? This is when temperatures reach a point when air conditioning is necessary. Homeowners who haven’t scheduled maintenance checks on their air conditioners are often surprised to find that their units don’t work when they flip their thermostat to the “cool” setting. With an influx of calls, there can be extended wait times for repair work. This is never a good way to kick off the summer season!

Don’t Put the “Pro” in Procrastination

While it’s easy to put some things off, it’s never a good idea to procrastinate on scheduling air conditioning maintenance. The stakes are too high. Not only are you risking having an unexpected system problem just when you need some cool air, you’re also jeopardizing the long-term function of a very expensive piece of household equipment.

An Ounce of Prevention…

If you think about it, there are few things more valuable in your home than your air conditioner. And, the good news is it’s incredibly easy to keep it functioning optimally whenever you need it. This begins with choosing an expert in air conditioner repair. With Cool Blew, you not only have a trusted contractor you can count on for all air conditioner repairs, you have a partner to help extend your air conditioner’s lifespan. With regular tune-ups and a residential, preventative maintenance agreement, you will have the peace of mind knowing that your air conditioner is ready to go whenever you need it.

Find out more about preventative service for your air conditioner. Call Cool Blew at 623-872-2900 today.

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