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Fright night is a lot of fun at the movie theater, which is a place, by the way, where many Arizonans go to avoid the heat. Years ago, there was an amusing ad campaign for a scary movie. In the radio commercials, the announcer implored, “When you get to the theater, just keep reminding yourself, it’s only a movie, it’s only a movie!” With Memorial Day approaching and the Fourth of July just around the corner, here’s an air conditioning summer holiday “Nightmare on Your Street” that’s unfortunately going to be all too real for some Arizona homeowners.

A Four Day Holiday Weekend with No Air Conditioning

In fact, one Phoenix area resident recently recalled a long and scary Fourth of July holiday weekend (Thursday through Sunday night) that made her think she was starring in her own horror show. A heatwave had descended on the Valley with temperatures hovering around 114, her air conditioner started pumping not-so-cool air on Thursday night then completely stopped working by early Friday morning and (cue the shrieking violins from Psycho) all of the air conditioning companies she called were booked solid. The combination of a heatwave and a holiday weekend meant every available service tech was working overtime. By Friday afternoon, her house was hotter than (well, you know), and there was no repairman in sight. Even with windows open and fans blowing, the inside temperature reached 98 degrees. Sleeping was almost impossible. It took four days, numerous phone calls and multiple appointments to get her problem resolved.

Early Warning Signs Your Air Conditioner Might Need Service

Some might consider this story a “scary” tactic, but unfortunately, it’s all true and in Arizona, it happens every year. If your air conditioning system is causing you concern, please don’t wait for a breakdown to occur. Some warning signs your AC may need a service check include:

  • Major red flag – warmer air (not as cold as it usually is) coming out of your vents
  • Decrease in airflow or a noticeable increase in your energy bill over same time last year
  • Loud thumping, straining or unusual noises coming from your air conditioner
  • Musty smell or excessive water leaking from AC unit
  • Unusual electrical or burning smell from AC unit (important to call for service immediately)

If you are experiencing any of these problems, your air conditioning system may need to be checked. With Memorial Day and Fourth of July coming, make sure to get out in front of this situation so your holiday weekends are cool, and the only horror shows you see are at the theater. Call Cool Blew today to schedule a summer tune-up.

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