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Are you someone who never drives over the speed limit, religiously schedules dental cleanings every six months and files tax returns long before the April 15th deadline? While no one will deem you a rebel when you play by the rules, it can pay off in the long run – especially when it comes to diligent air conditioning maintenance.

By being the air “conditioNerd” who replaces filters every month, knows how to program the thermostat and sticks to a regular schedule for maintenance and tune-ups, you’ll ensure a long life for your air conditioner while saving on your monthly utility bill. And when you consider just how much you rely on this essential piece of home equipment, doesn’t this just make good common sense?

It’s Cool to Be Cool

Don’t let others make fun of your diligence and commitment to protecting this important investment. The irony is that those “rebels” who think it’s funny that you buy air conditioner filters in bulk and invest in a maintenance contract will likely want to hang out in your cool house when their air conditioner fails.

Ready to Become an Air ConditioNerd Too?

It starts with thinking of your air conditioner like a car. Give this complex system the attention it deserves. This includes ongoing maintenance. Without the twice-yearly tune-ups and inspections, you’re likely to run into issues down the road.

Your air conditioner can account for more than 40% of your total utility bill. And, the average new unit with installation can cost more than $5,000. Treat your unit right, and it will treat you right in return. Change air filters once a month and learn the basic components of your air conditioner. Take the time to learn how to program your thermostat so it is optimized for efficiency and be proactive if you suspect a malfunction. In other words, call for help sooner than later.

Want to learn more about caring for your air conditioner and preventive maintenance agreements? Call us today at 623-872-2900.