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A solid night of sleep not only makes a big difference in your ability to function during the day, it also impacts your overall health, and your ability to engage with others. The Centers for Disease Control recommend that adults get between seven and eight hours of sleep per night, while children typically need eight to 10 hours. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done.

Consider that one in three Americans don’t get sufficient sleep. More than 50 million Americans suffer from over 80 different sleep disorders with another 20 to 30 million experiencing intermittent sleep problems. It’s a big health problem, and one that is growing.

While there are countless treatments and strategies for improving sleep quality, one of the easiest solutions is to adjust your HVAC system. The temperature and humidity level in your bedroom can have significant impacts on your sleep. The following are some HVAC tips that can help you improve your sleep.

Set Your Thermostat to an Optimal Temperature

Your body temperature drops when it prepares to go to sleep. Because of this, it’s helpful to have your bedroom a few degrees cooler at night. Actually, the National Sleep Foundation recommends a temperature of between 60 and 67 degrees during sleep hours.

With a programmable thermostat, you can adjust the settings so that it lowers the temperature at bedtime and adjusts it to a warmer temperature during waking hours.

Turn on Your Ceiling Fan

Your ceiling fan can also help keep your room cool without additional output from your HVAC system. And some people think that the humming sound of a fan is actually conducive to good sleep.

Change Your Air Filter

It can be difficult to sleep if you’re suffering from allergic symptoms, like sneezing, itchy eyes or wheezing. By regularly changing out your air filter, you can improve your indoor air quality and reduce the number of allergy-inducing particulates in your home’s air.

Get an HVAC Tune Up

Don’t take chances with sleep-hindering HVAC breakdowns. Get a seasonal tune up and gain the peace of mind that your system is working optimally. Call Cool Blew today!