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In life, and in plumbing, there are pressing problems that arise seemingly out of nowhere which demand immediate attention and prompt remediation. Take for instance, an Arizona resident who recently arrived home from a two-week vacation only to find three inches of water covering the kitchen and family room floor. Through absolutely no fault of the homeowner, the foundation had shifted, splitting a water pipe that caused the slab leak which resulted in expensive flooding. How do you prevent a problem like that?
However, the most frustrating plumbing related issues are the preventable plumbing problems that make homeowners want to scream out loud when they realize an ounce of prevention would’ve saved a lot of time, trouble, expense and frustration. Here are the preventable plumbing problems (also known as the three Ps) that you can check on immediately and hopefully save yourself some trouble and money down the road.

Faulty Washing Machine Hoses

When was the last time you thought about your washing machine water hookup hoses?
a.) Never
b.) The last time I purchased a washing machine and they charged me for the hoses.
c.) The time my washing machine hose burst and caused a huge mess and cost a bundle.

Would you believe that faulty or bursting washing machine hoses are one of the most common causes of catastrophic water damage in homes? In a moment of understatement, an insurance agent once wrote, “Washer hoses are largely ignored until they fail.” It’s hard to ignore two to four inches of water on the floor. Old rubber hoses tend to lose pliability with age and are subject to a fair amount of stress as the water repeatedly turns on and off. Over the course of time, these hoses can simply fail without warning and cause expensive flooding. It’s a great idea to have your washing machine hoses checked and replaced with stainless steel braided hoses, if need be.

Jiggle the Handle on the Toilet – Endlessly Filling the Water Tank

Have you ever been sitting in your family room watching television and vaguely noticed a high-pitched water noise coming from the toilet many minutes after you’ve used the bathroom? This is an extremely common problem where water spills into the overflow tube and the toilet does not shut off properly. Many times, you simply need to jiggle the handle to stop the water tank from over-filling. No big deal, right? Except for the times when you’re not there to jiggle the handle. Or your kids use the toilet and go outside to play, and the water runs unchecked for hours. You can literally waste hundreds of gallons of water without being aware of it until you get your water bill. There’s a second variation on this theme where the float in the toilet tank is not adjusted properly so water fills up in the tank for fifteen or twenty seconds, then shuts off, then resumes filling a few minutes later. This cycle can go on endlessly until the toilet float is replaced or set correctly.

Don’t Be Such a Drip

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the slow drip-drip of leaky faucets can add up to some staggering statistics. Did you know, ten percent of homes in the United States have leaks that waste up to 90 gallons of water per day? A leaky faucet dripping at the rate of one drip per second adds up to 3,000 gallons of water wasted annually. In the big picture, minor water leaks account for more than a trillion gallons of water wasted each year in the US. Though water leaks account for significant loss of this precious resource, many homeowners simply tell themselves they’ll fix it tomorrow (but tomorrow never comes.) Drips and leaks and the resulting water waste is a very preventable plumbing problem that will pay for itself in lower monthly water bills and you’ll rest easier knowing you’re conserving water.

If You’ve Got Pesky Plumbing Problems Call in the Professionals

If you’ve got plumbing issues or if you have questions about plumbing problems you’ve noticed in your home, Call Cool Blew today. We will do a complete inspection and professionally repair all your plumbing problems quickly, efficiently and affordably.