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Halloween is here, and it’s time to turn our attention to those spooky, scary things that send shivers up our spine. Yet, being frightened by a ghoul or ghost is one thing, being haunted by a malfunctioning HVAC system is something else entirely. The best way to avoid an unexpected and unwanted air conditioner or heater problem is to schedule regular, preventive maintenance.

Without those twice-yearly tune ups and inspections, your HVAC system is at risk of some scary and potentially dangerous problems.

Loss of Cool Air or Heat

Neglected systems are prone to unexpected and sudden system breakdowns. And you know what that means? Yes, you got it. You’ll be dealing with an uncomfortable home and an unhappy household.

Reduced Airflow

Clogged, dirty air filters restrict airflow, create stress on your system and diminish indoor air quality. If you do just one thing for your HVAC system, make it regular filter replacements!

Overflowing Drain Pans

Yuck! Drain pans can leak and overflow if they’re not regularly cleaned. This can result in water damage, as well as unhealthy mold and mildew growth.

Misaligned Belts

A slipping belt can wreak havoc on bearings, pulleys and shafts within your system. This ultimately will damage the motor – resulting in higher utility bills and costly repairs.

Bearing Failures

Bearing cavities require regular lubrication to keep them operating effectively. If things aren’t maintained, you can expect to be dealing with costly issues of overheating and bearing failure.

Leaking Refrigerant

Refrigerant leaks, big and small, can reduce the efficiency of your system. With a routine maintenance visit, any refrigerant level issue will be identified and repaired.

Broken Compressor

Like filters and drain pans, compressor coils require regular cleaning.

Heat Exchange Failure

A faulty heat exchanger isn’t just a hassle. It can be downright dangerous – by causing carbon monoxide to seep into your indoor air.

What’s not scary? Making an appointment for a tune up of your HVAC system. Don’t wait until you’re dealing with the unexpected. Schedule some time with Cool Blew today.