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Many Phoenix homeowners schedule two HVAC maintenance checks per year. One in the spring to ensure the air conditioner is prepared for the grueling desert summer ahead and another in fall to prepare the HVAC system for winter. During the six months of Arizona summer, your idle furnace (depending on where it’s located) can make an attractive vacation home for squirrels, roof rats and other critters. During our fall checkups, we have found evidence of furry friends in furnaces and air vents. Unfortunately, rodents can find their way into very tight spaces. If you notice strange pitter-pattering noises in the middle of the night, you might have furry trespassers.

When Animals Invade

Many housing developments in the Phoenix metropolitan area are located near open spaces where animals abound. Even established neighborhoods are teeming with critters. It’s not uncommon for squirrels, rats and other rodents to seek refuge inside your outdoor HVAC unit or in your home via air ducts – many times gaining entrance through vents. Animals belong in the great outdoors. If your furnace or HVAC ducts have evidence of pests, it’s best to have us perform an entire system inspection and rid your house of these rodent intruders immediately.

Snakes and Spiders in Places They Don’t Belong

Phoenix residents have the added joy of occasionally discovering snakes and spiders in places they don’t belong. Snakes infrequently will make their way into the shade on the inside of an outdoor HVAC unit as well as black widow spiders spinning their webs on compressor hoses. We don’t report this to scare homeowners, but rather to let you know, over the years, we’ve seen just about everything. Always be cautious when uncovering an outdoor or utility room unit (or any HVAC unit) because you never know what you might find inside.

If you hear animals in your vents, or you see evidence of critters in or around your HVAC unit, the best solution is to call in professionals. Here’s a list of unwelcome visitors that may be trying to live in your HVAC system rent-free.

  • Squirrels and Raccoons – These are determined and ingenious creatures (particularly raccoons). They often find their way into your home through old, damaged, or faulty vents. You will likely hear them before you see them. If you notice foul odors from their droppings, call us immediately for service.
  • Mice and Rats – Small and crafty rodents can crawl into extremely small holes and spaces. They often cause damage by chewing on your refrigerant lines, electrical wires and other parts. Rats and mice love to pilfer insulation to build nests. Rodents present health risks for your family and need to be dealt with immediately. It is advised to clean and sanitize ducts if rodents have infested.
  • Spiders, Insects and Roaches – If you live in Arizona, spiders, insects and roaches are going to occasionally make their way into your home. It’s simply unavoidable. What we have noticed, over the years, is that certain areas are more susceptible to infestation if they have been ignored for long periods of time. Having regular inspections insures that your HVAC system won’t be overrun by creepy crawlers.

Living in the Desert

Close to Nature The beauty of Arizona is being so close to nature. This means being surrounded by critters and furry creatures, some of whom will occasionally invade your home. Twice yearly service calls and regular HVAC inspections will protect you and your family from the problems they can bring. Give us a call today!

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