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The signs of autumn are everywhere. Pumpkins for carving, fall decorations and Halloween costumes are on display in stores. Children are choosing their favorite scary characters in preparation for the big night of trick or treating. And you are correct, the “H” in HVAC is not for Halloween – it’s for heating. However, Halloween serves as a great yearly reminder that the extreme 100+ degree temperatures of summer will soon be replaced by the cooler nights of fall. That means winter is not far off.

October is the perfect month to schedule an appointment to have your furnace inspected. The “H” in your HVAC system has been idle for months. After avoiding the extreme Arizona heat for six months, many Phoenix area residents forget winter nights in the desert can get very chilly.

Your Furnace Has Been on Summer Vacation

HVAC systems are complex, and your AC has been getting heavy use throughout the summer. Switching to heat means engaging a separate component that has not been used for a long time. Here are a few reasons why October is the perfect month for a fall HVAC checkup:

  • The Heat Is On – The first time you turn on your furnace each year can bring an unwelcome smell of burning dust. A fine layer of desert dirt and grime from summer wind storms can cover your heating elements and cause problems. During a fall service call, our technicians will inspect your furnace and remove any dust or debris from inside your heater. Also, it’s not uncommon for us to find evidence of furry friends making a home for themselves in your furnace. Air filters, which are also dust magnets, will be replaced. Remember, whenever you notice a burning smell, it’s always a good idea to have it checked out.
  • Gas Furnaces – Gas furnaces are generally very reliable. With their igniters and gas burners, they are slightly more complex than electric heaters. Unfortunately, with months of sitting idle, they don’t always fire up perfectly the first time. There is nothing more annoying than trying to figure out the instructions for lighting the pilot with a flashlight in your hand on the first cold night. To ensure a safe, first time start up for your gas furnace, have it checked in advance.
  • Have You Checked Your Thermostat Lately? – One of the most unsung and underappreciated elements of any HVAC system is the thermostat. Because they tend to work reliably and trouble free for years and years, we often inspect thermostats that are decades old. Replacing your old thermostat with a new smart thermostat can save money and make it easier to program your settings. Our service techs can explain the many options available. However, if your happy with your current thermostat, we’re happy to check it out and make sure it’s working properly.
  • Thinking Ahead to the Holidays – If you schedule a fall HVAC checkup for October or November, you can put your mind at ease knowing you’re set the holidays ahead. Now is truly the best time to get prepared for winter.

Happy Halloween

Each year, October 31st marks the start of the holiday season. We wish you and your children a safe and happy Halloween. For service so good that it’s scary call Cool Blew today for your fall tune-up.

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