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Spring is the best time of year in the Valley of the Sun. With heavenly weather, budding trees and colorful flowers swaying in the breeze, Phoenix couldn’t be more beautiful. There is one drawback, though. The extensive winter rains have guaranteed an extra heavy onslaught of pollen. Weeds, grasses and trees are pollenating which brings hay fever along with the joys of spring. Many who suffer from wheezing and sneezing in April and May call this allergy season.

Allergies and Your Air Conditioning System

For those affected, hay fever is an agonizing condition. Symptoms include itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, congestion, sneezing and a general blah feeling that robs you of your energy. Pollen is not the only allergen floating in the air. There’s also air pollution, particulates, desert dust and if you have dogs and cats, pet dander. It all adds up to a big challenge for your air conditioning system. Once you are inside, with the doors and windows shut, your home becomes a closed system. Your air conditioning unit contains a key element to fighting the effects of allergens in the air you breathe – your AC air filters.
Here are three things you can do to get relief from hay fever once you’re inside your home:

#1 – Change Your Air Filters

As air flows through your AC system, the air filters collect pollen, dust and other particulates and then recirculate the air into your home. If your air filters are dirty or haven’t been changed for months, they fill up with dirt and dust and their effectiveness is greatly reduced. Like a vacuum cleaner with an overloaded bag, clogged air filters have nowhere to hold pollen, dander and other allergy offenders. Make sure you have new high efficiency air filters for spring, especially if you are experiencing respiratory distress.

#2 – Check for Mold

Standing water or condensation in your AC system can cause mold which will negatively impact your allergies. If you notice a faint musty smell coming from your vents, you may need to have your ducts checked. Also, extra humidity in bathrooms or the laundry room can cause mold which may show up as dark gray or black mottled streaks on the walls or tiles. Our service techs will offer advice on how to improve the proper flow of air to reduce the relative humidity in your home.

#3 – Schedule A Spring Inspection and Tune Up for Your Air Conditioner

Doctors recommend spending more time indoors during allergy season. Having a clean, fully functioning air conditioning system with newly replaced filters will insure you’re breathing pollen, dander and dust free air in your home. Why not call us today to schedule one of our experts to check your HVAC system and make sure you’re ready for the summer months ahead.