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5 Ways To Save Money On Heating Your Home This Winter

By December 16, 2013November 9th, 2022No Comments

5 Ways To Save Money On Heating Your Home This Winter

It has been cold these last few weeks, and, of course, that translates into a lower bill. When money is already tight since we just got over the dreadful summer heat and cost, we all could benefit from a few cost-saving strategies for keeping our homes warm without cranking up the heat. The following ideas are easy to implement and when combined can save you significantly on your heating bill.

Ensure Your System Is Running Properly

One of the most common causes for a high utility bill is a faulty heating system. An inexpensive tune-up and maintenance check can help get your system in tip-top shape so that it’s running as efficiently as possible. At Cool Blew, we offer a $59 heating tune-up. Call us today to schedule today!

Change Your Filters

Your system filters need to be change on a regular basis – ideally every month. This not only enables your system to run more efficiently, it also helps stop dander, dust, and other allergens from circulating through your system and into your home.

Program Your Thermostat

Your thermostat should be set to accommodate your lifestyle. By programming it to turn down your heat while you’re at work or asleep, you can significantly save yourself money each month.

Turn Down Your Water Heater Temperature

Heating water is a significant monthly expense for any homeowner. However, it doesn’t have to be quite as costly when you set the temperature to a comfortable 120 degrees or less. If you haven’t taken a look at what your water heater temperature is set at, now is a good time to do so.

Add Insulation

Insulation can make a dramatic difference in the comfort of your home. Call Cool Blew today to find out about our expert insulation options that can help you keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

At Cool Blew, we’re affordable heating solutions throughout the Valley, contact us today to learn more.

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