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This year, April 22 is Earth Day. It’s a yearly reminder to make a difference by being an active participant in your local and global environment. Over one billion people across the world will celebrate Earth Day in over 190 countries—all with the goal of helping to make our planet a better place to live, reduce waste, and lessen pollution. Did you know that your HVAC system consumes the most energy of any system in your household? Let’s look at some actionable steps to reduce your carbon footprint.

Seal HVAC Ductwork

The average home cooling and heating ducts lose up to 30% in air leakage. Sealing ducts reduces cooling and heating costs on your utility bill, improves HVAC efficiency, and eliminates air leakage.

Change Out Air Filters

Earth Day is a great day to change your HVAC system air filters. Dirty, clogged air filters waste precious energy resources, cause your HVAC to work harder, and contribute to air pollution. A clean air filter reduces indoor contaminants, allows air to circulate properly inside your home, and keeps your system working efficiently.

Plant Trees

Planting trees on your property increases shading for your home and decreases your energy bills. Trees help to purify the air we breathe and regulate neighborhood temperatures.

Schedule Maintenance

Small changes can have a big impact on the environment. Your HVAC system contributes upwards of 46% of combined energy usage in your house. By scheduling spring maintenance, you’ll help ensure it’s running effortlessly, and conserving valuable energy. You can’t expect your AC to be operating at peak performance levels without a tune-up. Without regular maintenance, you’re taking a chance on a breakdown of your HVAC unit.

Reduce Heat Entering Your Home

You’ll save substantial amounts of money on monthly utility bills by blocking solar heat from entering your house. By drawing the blinds or shutters, closing curtains or drapes, or even installing UV window film, helps keep direct sunlight out. Furniture, carpets, drapes, and curtains can fade over time from UV exposure. Your HVAC system benefits from a reduced workload trying to keep your house cool.

Call Cool Blew Today

These simple steps will save you money on air conditioning, reduce your carbon footprint, and help make our planet a better place to live. Would you like to learn more about HVAC energy saving tips for Earth Day 2022? The professionals at Cool Blew will be happy to answer all your questions. Call Cool Blew today at 623-872-2900 to schedule a maintenance appointment.