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Everything You Need To Know About Water Heaters

By April 16, 2015November 9th, 2022No Comments

Everything You Need To Know About Water Heaters-Cool BlewLike other household appliances, water heaters have become more energy efficient over the past decade. While the cost of heating water accounted for 25% of the total energy bills a decade ago, today, it accounts for only 18% of the total utility bill, according to the Department of Energy.

Thus, homeowners with older systems should consider installing modern, high–efficiency systems. The most common types of water heaters include:

Common Types Of Water Heaters

  • Conventional storage water heaters
  • Heat pump water heaters
  • Demand–type or tankless water heaters
  • Solar water heaters

Homeowners who are replacing their existing water heaters should check to see what type of heater they have. Most likely, it is a storage tank model. However, they should confirm whether it is powered by electricity, natural gas, or even propane. They should also check whether there is a gas outlet by the heater or only an electrical outlet. Installing a new gas line can be very costly; however, if one has a gas furnace and an electric water heater, one may be able to cut utility costs by extending the gas line to the electric heater.

Tankless Water Heaters

On the other hand, installing a tankless water heater may cut one’s water heating bills by up to 20% by eliminating standby losses. Such systems sit under a sink where the water is used. Homeowners can use tankless systems to supplement a regular water heater in another part of the house. However, tankless heaters are inappropriate for certain applications. For example, a tankless heating system may not be able to meet all needs if people are doing laundry and washing dishes at the same time as others are taking a shower.

Heat Pump Water Heaters

Heat pump systems are a relatively new technology. They use electricity to move heat from one location to another. In essence, they work like a refrigerator in reverse. However, heat pump hot water systems are typically more expensive than conventional storage water heaters. Fortunately, they have significantly lower operating costs, which can help homeowners offset their higher purchase and installation costs.

Solar Water Heaters

Solar water heaters can be either passive or active. Passive systems use gravity to circulate water while active systems rely on a pump to move water between the collector and the storage tank. This is a great option for Arizona residents, as we always have plenty of sunshine to help curb the costs of grid-energy.

When it comes to choosing and installing a new water heater, homeowners should always work with a qualified HVAC technician. Call us at Cool Blew, Inc. to speak with our knowledgeable water heater specialists.

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