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Security Lighting Tips to Keep Your Home and Family Safe

By June 13, 2014November 9th, 2022No Comments

Security Lighting Tips to Keep Your Home and Family Safe

Security lighting is an essential part of keeping your home safe , whether it’s your primary residence or a part-time retreat. By adequately lighting areas that would otherwise be dark, you can substantially reduce your chances of a burglar targeting your home.

Follow The Light Home

Automation Is Key

Without a doubt, light is a burglar’s worst enemy. Fortunately, lighting your home for safety has never been easier. Automated timer systems can be installed to create the appearance of your home being occupied when you’re not there. These timers can turn on lights at set times, as well as televisions and stereos which will fool those who may be observing your home for less than honest reasons.

Motion Detectors

For the ultimate in security, motion detector flood lights can be installed at exterior entries including front doors, porches, garages and even garden sheds. Obviously, the power source for lighting should not be accessible from the ground.

Extending The Lighting

A comprehensive home security plan will also provide for exterior lighting on or around walkways, patios, and in backyards, pool areas, garages, and other outdoor structures. By illuminating all exterior areas, you will deter intruders and burglars.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Security lighting is a smart investment that can protect your home. Because of this, many insurance companies will reward homeowners who take this extra step by lowering premiums. Make sure to ask your insurance provider about special discounts and savings.

Work With A Professional Installer

While there are do it yourself solutions for security lighting, it pays to work with an expert who has experience creating customized plans based upon a home’s structural features, landscaping, and wiring. As well, there may be considerations about specific security risks, homeowners’ association requirements, and more.

At Cool Blew, our expert team of electricians use leading tools and equipment, and we’re always happy to provide a free security lighting consultation. We have many years of experiencing installing security lighting for homes and business throughout the greater Phoenix area. If you need security lighting in Peoria or any of the other cities in the Valley, contact Cool Blew today.

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