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What You Need To Know About The 2015 Water Heater Efficiency Regulation Changes

By June 17, 2015November 9th, 2022No Comments

2015 Water Heater Efficiency Regulation Changes-CoolBlewThe new 2015 water heater regulations have had a major impact on new water heaters purchased in the United States. Congress passed guidelines, and they went into effect in April 2015.

The regulations require greater energy efficiency for all electric, gas and propane units. Depending on the type and size of a heater, they have resulted in efficiency improvements of three to 30 percent. This cuts operating costs and protects the environment.

Learn more about the 2015 water heater efficiency regulation changes.

Changes For 2015 Water Heater Efficiency Regulations

Price Changes

Like many energy-efficient devices, the new water heaters cost somewhat more. Different components, changes to manufacturing processes and extra insulation have all increased prices. Homeowners can expect to pay approximately $100.00 more than they did in 2014. Actual increases vary by brand and size. Fortunately, over time, buyers will earn this money back by spending less on fuel or electricity when they use hot water.

Fewer Sizes

Some larger tanks (over 65 gallons) may become discontinued. Home and business owners may be able to compensate for smaller sizes by installing mixing valves or putting multiple water heaters in different parts of a building. New products however may be developed to help replace these larger units.


The new water heaters are slightly larger due to additional insulation. While this saves energy by keeping their contents hot and stopping heat from escaping into homes during the summer, it prevents equivalent heater replacements from fitting in tight spaces. The latest models have greater widths and heights, so they might not fit in small closets. People may need to install them elsewhere, conduct renovations or install smaller units with mixing valves.

Options When Replacing Your Water Heater

Homeowners who need to replace their heaters have several options. They can purchase new units that suit their homes or buy equivalent heaters that were produced before April. Although the 2015 water heater regulations forbid manufacturers from making this equipment, people may continue to install such units until they run out. Another solution is to buy a compact, efficient tankless heater.

For more help or to schedule one of our professional, licensed techs to come out to let you know what your best options are, please call Cool Blew Inc. now – Your Plumbing Experts!

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