Category Archives: Safety

Halloween Safety Tips

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Here are some spooky, Halloween-related statistics you may not be aware of. On average, there are 4,200 Halloween related injuries requiring urgent care or an emergency room visit in the U.S. every year. From Consumer Product Safety Commission data, 44% of the injuries were children under the age of 18. Almost 50% of the injuries were due to pumpkin carving accidents. Adults and kids falling or tripping while decorating or trick-or-treating resulted in 27% of injuries. And remaining percentage are related to a wide range of other, mostly preventable risks.

As your local experts in home HVAC, electrical, and plumbing, we wanted to take this opportunity to share some safety tips to keep you and your loved ones safe this Halloween and as we enter the holiday season.

Test Decorations

Keep your home safe by testing holiday decorations before you plug them in. This will help spot broken sockets, loose connections, twisted and frayed wiring, and other potential fire hazards.

Safe Passage

Make certain sidewalks, the front door entryway, and the driveway are free of any clutter. Move planters, outdoor furniture, bicycles, tools, garden hoses, and children’s toys out of the way for trick-or-treaters.

Lights On

Turn on front door lights and activate any motion sensors to help light the way to your Halloween treats and tricks. If you’re using solar lights, check to see if they are properly lighting the walkway to your home. You want to make your outside lights shine brightly for all the spooky costumed trick-or-treaters!

Sense Motion

Arm your home with motion sensor lights. After the trick-or-treaters have filled up their bags with candy and left your house, mischief makers and cat burglars may show up. Lighting up your entire house will help scare off any would-be intruders.

Halloween Help

Do you need additional help with these spooky and preventable holiday-related electrical issues? Give Cool Blew a call at 623-872-2900. Our professionals are always available no matter the time of day or night.

Stay Safe This Summer with Cool Blew

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With the heat high and summer monsoon storms now here, here’s how you can mitigate the risk of electrical and fire hazards.

Electrical Hazards

Many of us take our home’s electricity for granted. Electrical shocks from your home’s power sources can cause skin burns, loss of consciousness, and more. So, prevention is definitely the best strategy when it comes to electrical safety.

  • Never handle anything electrical with wet hands or while standing in water.
  • Avoid talking on landline phones, using electric appliances or taking a bath during a lightning storm. The electrical current can be carried through water pipes or landline wires.
  • Don’t use appliances such as a hair dryer near a sink or bathtub filled with water. You could be electrocuted if the appliance falls in and you’re holding on to it.
  • Turn off the circuit breaker before attempting to repair anything electrical inside or outside your house, to avoid an electrical shock.
  • Never run extension cords or surge protector cords under a throw rug or beneath the carpet. People walking on top of the cords can cause frayed and broken wires, potentially causing electrical shocks and fires.

Fire Hazards

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) research shows four out of five fire-related deaths occur in the home. Most causes of fire related deaths are due to smoke inhalation and the lack of oxygen. Here’s what you can do to prevent fire in your home.

  • Never use fireworks near your house.
  • Don’t use a higher watt lightbulb than a lamp manufacturer suggests.
  • Never overload circuits by putting too many plugs in an outlet.
  • When using small appliances and lamps, avoid any dangling extension cords.
  • Check smoke detectors and replace batteries annually.
  • Don’t throw water on a grease fire in your kitchen.
  • Keep fire extinguishers on hand.
  • Keep candles at least 12 inches away from curtains or anything else that can burn.
  • Clean your dryer lint filter after every use and check the dryer air exhaust vent to make certain it’s not restricted.

Celebrate the summer safely and enjoy it with your family, friends, and neighbors! If for any reason your home is experiencing an electrical, plumbing or HVAC issue, call the experts at Cool Blew today at 623-872-2900.

Christmas Trees and Your HVAC System

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Although Christmas 2020 may be a little smaller and quieter than past years, many of us are still decorating the house and putting up Christmas trees. While decking the halls is still happening, it’s important to remember some tips when it comes to your HVAC system.

Pick a Safe Location for Your Tree

First and foremost, you don’t want to put your tree, or any other holiday decorations, near a vent or heating source. Avoid fire hazards by placing trees and decorations away from heaters, candles, vents, electric blankets and other items that can spark a blaze.

Real or Artificial Tree?

If you go with a real tree, make sure you choose one that is hydrated. Do the “needle test” by bending the needles on a branch. If they break, leave it. You want to be able to run your hands along a branch without the needles falling off. With an artificial tree, make sure to dust it off before putting it up. Artificial trees can be breeding grounds for mold which can decrease your home’s indoor air quality.

Replace Your Air Filter

Whether you choose a real or artificial tree, it’s likely to circulate an increased number of particulates that can promote allergies and breathing issues. To help keep the air clean, change your HVAC system’s air filter and check it a couple of times throughout the holiday season to make sure it doesn’t need replacing.

Watch the Temperature

Turning up the heat indoors can dry out a real Christmas tree, indoor wreath or live indoor plants. Instead of keeping things toasty by adjusting the thermostat, consider lighting a fire in the fireplace or baking some holiday cookies.

Schedule a Maintenance Tune Up

Don’t get a surprise gift of a broken HVAC system this Christmas. Schedule a tune up and get the peace of mind of knowing that your home will be warm and comfortable throughout Christmas, New Year’s and beyond.

Call the experts at Cool Blew today to schedule your winter maintenance tune up.

COVID-19 Update – Our Continued Commitment To Your Health and Safety

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As we enter the holiday season, cases of COVID-19 are rapidly increasing throughout the greater Phoenix area. At Cool Blew, we wanted to take this opportunity to ensure you that we’re continuing to take extra precautions to help prevent the spread of the virus.

As a home service provider, we appreciate your trust in our work and are very grateful to be invited into your home. To maintain this privilege, we are carefully following a host of best practices to help keep you, your family, and our employees safe and healthy throughout this challenging time.

If you or anyone in your home is having symptoms of illness or has tested positive for COVID-19, we ask that you inform us so that we can provide service while keeping a safe distance and enlisting extra safety protocols. Cool Blew team members, who develop any signs of illness, have been instructed to stay home and self-quarantine.

Our technicians have been equipped with masks, booties and hand sanitizer. They will wash their hands per CDC guidelines before and after every visit. They will keep a safe distance from others during service calls. This means you’ll get a friendly wave, instead of a handshake for the time being. And, as HVAC experts, we’re also here to help with your indoor air quality. Please ask about options to help keep your household safe.

At Cool Blew, we’re proud to be part of this community and to do our part in stopping the spread of COVID while providing quality service. We will continue to adapt to changes as they occur and will keep you up to date.

For more information on our current COVID-19 best practices or to schedule a service visit, call us at 623-872-2900.

Three Gas Line Issues That Can Happen – Even in the Summer

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Although gas furnaces are not in use this time of year, gas piping issues can happen anytime – even during the hot summer months. For homeowners who have gas furnaces, water heaters and ranges, it’s important to keep an eye (and nose) out for possible gas issues that have the potential of being dangerous.

At Cool Blew, we have the experience and expertise to repair your gas piping issues.

  1. Gas Line Leaks
    Fortunately, gas line leaks are not common, but when they do happen, they can be dangerous. Natural gas is inherently odorless, so a “rotten egg” scent is added to enable it to be identified. If you smell this odor, turn off your gas and call for immediate assistance. If you’re unfamiliar with where your gas valve is, call your local gas service provider or the fire department. It’s best to leave the home until the repair is made. And most importantly, do nothing that involves an open flame, such as turning on a gas range, firing up a grill or lighting a cigarette.
  2. Gas Line Blockages
    Occasionally a gas pipe can become clogged with contaminants that can hinder the function of an appliance. If you’re having issues with gas flow, this could be the problem. Once again, it’s a gas line problem that warrants professional service.
  3. Valve Malfunctions
    Gas line valves can be a source for leaks and blockages. Our technicians can quickly replace a problematic valve and get your gas flowing properly again.

If you think you’re experiencing a gas line issue in your home, don’t delay in getting help. Remember, ensure your home and family are safe by leaving the house, call your gas company, and then call Cool Blew at 623-872-2900.

Cool Blew – Coronavirus Safety Update

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Since 1986, Cool Blew has served the greater Phoenix area. As always, our top priority is the safety and comfort of our customers. With the growing spread of the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19, we wanted to take this opportunity to highlight what we’re doing to keep you, your loved ones and our employees safe from this virus.

Our safety efforts include the following:

Customer Health

We are asking customers who may have been in contact with the virus to inform us prior to our visit. This enables our service technicians to take necessary precautions. Every case is reviewed on a case-by-case basis, but we are 100 percent committed to preventing the spread of the virus.

Employee Health

Any employee of Cool Blew who has symptoms of the virus, or who has come in contact with someone who has contracted the virus, is required to stay at home. Employees who have symptoms must undergo testing and will be required to submit a written note from their healthcare provider before being allowed to return to work. Any employee who has a fever higher than 100.4 degrees will not be permitted back to work until they receive a clearance from a healthcare provider.


Our service technicians and installers always take steps to prevent tracking dirt into your home. They are also equipped with additional protection equipment as needed to protect customers and them from contact. As with many businesses, we’re reviewing sanitation procedures as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health, which include the following guidelines:

  • Cleaning hands often, including after removing gloves, by washing hands with soap and water for 20 seconds.
  • Following preventive actions, including avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Cleaning hands after blowing one’s nose, coughing or sneezing or after using the restroom.

At Cool Blew, we are committed to taking the threat of this virus to our customers, employees and community very seriously. And we’re doing everything we can to limit the spread of the virus while continuing to provide you with professional HVAC service and installation. For more information, call us at 623-872-2900.

Ensuring the Safety of Your Ceiling Fans

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With triple digit heat throughout a good portion of the year, ceiling fans are a necessity in Arizona homes. While they are incredibly useful and energy-efficient, it’s important to keep some safety precautions in mind when installing them.

Distance from the Floor

Where to install a ceiling fan is an important decision. Fan blades should be no closer than seven feet from the floor. For maximum efficiency, the fan should be set around eight to nine feet above the floor. Fans with low profiles are available for ceilings that are lower than eight feet. As well, fans should be at least 18 inches away from walls and doors to prevent blades from hitting.

Lack of Support

One of the biggest hazards of ceiling fans is that they can break free from the ceiling if they’re not installed properly.  Every ceiling fan should be supported by an electrical junction box that was designed specifically for ceiling fans. A fan brace box must also be used to keep it secure. Don’t be tempted to simply install a ceiling fan where a lighting fixture once hung without upgrading these boxes. It can lead to the fan falling.

Poor Quality Assembly

Misaligned fan blades can cause fans to wobble. The biggest risk with a wobbly fan is its light fixture covers or shades loosening and falling. This misalignment can be caused by warping or bent or loose blades. To ensure your fan is safe and not wobbling, each blade should be securely attached with screws and tightened, prior to installation.

Call an Expert Electrician for Ceiling Fan Installation

Proper installation and maintenance of your ceiling fans is essential for keeping you and your loved ones safe. Your best option is to call an expert electrician who has the installation know-how to eliminate the risk of a falling or wobbly fan. At Cool Blew, we work with you to ensure your ceiling fans are properly placed and installed. As well, we are available for all your other home electrical projects of any size. From repairing an outlet to complete rewiring, call the Phoenix area electrical experts at Cool Blew at 623-872-2900 today.

Holiday Decorating Electrical Safety Tips

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Safely decorating your home for the holidays should be the top item on your holiday wish list. To have a healthy and happy holiday before you deck the halls, follow these important tips to keep your tree glowing and outdoor lights impressive.

Christmas Tree Electrical Safety

Check all your lights for any damaged plugs, frayed or bare wires and loose connections. Light string defects may possibly cause fires or electrical shocks. Make sure the lights and decorations have certification labels from UL, CSA or other accredited inspection agencies. Look for lights certified as safe for indoor use. You might want to use LED lights which are cooler to the touch, more energy efficient and last longer than incandescent bulbs. Replace burned out bulbs, and do not leave any empty sockets.

When using extension cords, make certain cords are not a tripping hazard across open spaces. Do not place cords under rugs, by any heat sources or attached to any metal, such as staples or nails. As well, uncoil extension cords completely before use.

Turn off all electrical decorations before going to sleep or leaving home. Keep Christmas trees and wrapped gifts at least three feet from heat sources, such as space heaters, radiators and fireplaces. Don’t let young children and pets play with or pull on Christmas lights.

For a live Christmas tree, check for freshness and refill the tree stand daily with water. If using an artificial tree, choose one with a fire-resistant label, and avoid hanging lights on artificial trees with metallic branches or leaves. And, of course, a good rule of thumb any time of the year is to test all smoke alarms and replace batteries if not functioning.

Outdoor Decoration Safety

Be certain extension cords and electrical decorations are rated for outdoor usage and inspect for any damage before using. All outdoor lights and extension cords should be plugged into GFCI protected outlets for safety. Avoid plugging in more than three light strings to a single extension cord. Do not extend the length of an extension cord by connecting it with another extension cord.

Keep lights and cords away from standing water and securely fasten lights to trees, shrubs and your home’s exterior to protect from wind damage. Use only fiberglass or wooden ladders when hanging electrical decorations outside. Metal ladders will conduct electricity. If you use spotlights for illuminating decorations, make sure they are protected from weather conditions and a safe distance from flammable items.

Have a joyous holiday season. For your holiday electrical questions, call Cool Blew at 623-872-2900.

5 Home Heating Safety Tips Every Family Needs to Know

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We’re finally past the summer’s triple digit heat and enjoying the amazing fall weather that Arizona is famous for. Soon, the temperatures will drop enough that you may want to turn on the heat. Before you dial up your thermostat, it’s important to remember some critical home heating safety tips.

It’s a sad fact that the majority of home fires occur during the winter months, and many are due to heating-related factors. The following tips can help you and your family stay safe this season.

Keep Household Items Away from Heating Equipment

Newspapers, holiday decorations, clothing, toys and other household items can be extremely flammable when they’re placed too close to heating equipment like furnaces, fireplaces and portable space heaters. To avoid this common cause of house fires, keep anything that can burn at least three feet away from sources of heat.

Install Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarms

Avoid the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning by installing alarms that can alert you and family members that there is a leak. Test these alarms monthly to ensure they’re working properly. Remember, if you smell gas in your home, leave your home immediately and call either your local fire department or your gas provider.

Use Only Qualified Professional Installers

Whether it’s a heat pump, water heater or stationary space heater, choose a qualified professional who installs equipment according to local codes and manufacturer’s instructions.

Choose a Sturdy Fireplace Screen

A fire can be a cozy treat on a cold winter’s night. But, it can also be a fire hazard. Make sure that your fireplace has a sturdy screen that prevents sparks and embers from flying into the room. Let fire ashes cool completely before putting them into any kind of container, and always keep ashes a safe distance away from your home.

Schedule Regular Maintenance on HVAC Equipment

HVAC equipment requires regular maintenance to ensure its safety. Call Cool Blew today to schedule a seasonal tune-up at 480-610-2100.